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Recreating my site in Nuxt and adding a blog

So, next week Iā€™m about to start my journey as a Full-stack software engineer at vBridge. Iā€™m so excited! The internship is part of my school program, a part of the internship is keeping a blog with your findings and thoughts, so I decided to build my own blog with Nuxt instead of a regular WordPress or something else. Nuxt was on my ā€˜want to learnā€™ list for a while, so I was very excited to finally try out the framework. Iā€™m a huge fan of Vue so it didnā€™t seem very hard to learn and implement Nuxt. I was right.

Setting up Nuxt

setting up Nuxt was actually really easy. I just searched for the official Nuxt documentation, turns out to be a very good documented framework (not that I expected something else since the Vue documentation is the best Iā€™ve ever seen).

On the homepage of the Nuxt documentation thereā€™s a very simple guide that takes you trough the whole setup. Itā€™s just a few command since it uses the create nuxt-app command to setup the basic template app. From there I kind of figured the rest out by scrolling through the documentation.

static generation

since Iā€™m hosting my whole website with Github Pages I had to configure Nuxt to generate static files. Also this was really easy. I just had to put target: 'static' in the nuxt.config.js file. It already pre-configured the yarn commands for me. (yes, Iā€™m a yarn user)

front-end configuration

The Nuxt website was now configured for the most part, but since I already had a Vue website, I had to rebuild it in Nuxt (which is basically the same), So I dragged and dropped my files in the pre-made folders in the example app and installed Bootstrap & bootstrap-vue, and everything worked as it should!

Nuxt has a pre-configured router, so I didnā€™t even had to setup the routing.

Building a blog

As I said in the introduction, I mainly transferred my old Vue site to Nuxt to be able to include a simple blog feature. I just googled: ā€œhow to build a blog in Nuxtā€. Turns out Nuxt itself had a blog post: Creating blog with Nuxt content. So I basically followed that guide to create my own blog


Nuxt content also has itā€™s own dedicated documentation which is https://content.nuxtjs.org/.

The setup for a blog is very easy. You install the @nuxt/content package and youā€™re almost ready to go. Just have to add some settings in the nuxt.config.js file, add some .md files with your blog content per post, a new page with your blog feed and a template for your blog. It worked super fast and couldnā€™t be any easier.

It pre-configures an API where you can fetch your posts by a global variable $content more about that is described here. In a static environment it compiles all files to a db.json file where it fetches the content.


To fulfill al the requirements for school, I also had to add a RSS feed to my blog. Iā€™m a big fan of the Feedly platform (which is a RSS-feed reader). So I googled some more on how to pair Nuxt and RSS. Also this was well documented in exactly how I needed it to be. Itā€™s just in the nuxt content integrations section in the documentation. This was somewhat more complicated, but still very easy since itā€™s so well documented. You basically install the @nuxtjs/feed module and configure it in the nuxt.config.js file. I only needed the RSS XML version, but even more formats are supported (JSON, for instance).

Something that took some more research was displaying the content correct in the RSS feed. I could just input the whole static html as the content, but that looked really off since it also inserted the header and footer in the content. So I decided to take the raw .md contents as the content, only then to discover that most RSS feeders didnā€™t display it right, so I then installed the marked NPM package and converted it to HTML, now it looks like I wanted it to.


Nuxt is a very easy to install and use platform which is well documented. If you already know Vue itā€™s only a little step-up but can improve the speed for a production ready product. The blog stack in nuxt is easy to install and use if you know some markdown and donā€™t need a CMS, which I donā€™t since I host on Github pages.

Written by Elian Van Cutsem

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